Thursday, 25 March 2010

Capture the moment

This was a one lesson topic. We were told to go capture something which is only there for a small amount of time like jumping or throwing a ball in the air. So we went out and figured out that we had to use the focus button otherwise they would look all blurry. I thought it was much more challenging to take a photo which was only there for a second. After a shaky start we managed to get some good photos. My favorite picture is this one where Jerome was jumping off a rock trying to catch a ball, but he ended up missing so you could see the ball and he was looking at it but he couldnt catch it. I was a fun lesson!!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Today's repeating pattern

This is picture using a pattern. You can see that the building has a pattern. This makes it look so intresting and it plays with your eyes.

The true worth of a man is not to be found in man himself, but in the colours and textures that come alive in others.

This a picture with texture because you can see the wrinkle on the persons hand and you can tell what texture it will have just by looking at it.........

Flower Depth of Field

Flower Depth of Field
Originally uploaded by br0nc080
This shot show the depth of field. It doesnt concentrate on one particular flower but most of them even the ones which are in the background which gives them depth.

boat on a beach rule of thirds

This a photo that uses the rule of thirds. It is effective because it makes the picture look intresting rather than dull in the center.

ali ben youssef medersa, marrakesh

This is a symettrical photo. It looks good because it is identical.

Key West

Key West
Originally uploaded by Rob Cherry
This is a Photo which uses lines , the wood planks provide that effect. The photographer has squared.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Finally today was the day we got to use the digital camera with our aim to take loads of good photos using perspective and the light etc etc. Before we snapped some shots we learnt how to use the focus button to focus a particular object than moving the camera to a different location but the image you focused still is focused. I went out with little to none experience on taking digital pics but I felt I took some half decent photos. Some of the pictures were effective but some of them were a complete failure. The moving shots were harder because it was hard to focus on the moving object. Up top is an example of me trying to do a moving shot.