Thursday, 27 May 2010

Spring arts festival !!

I missed a couple of lessons and when i returned mr muntwyler said we were preparing things for the spring arts festival so we had to edit our ten best pics and inkscapes vector that we did from the beggining of the course to the end. It was quite fun to relive all of the images (which was quite alot!!) and making them to fit the specific reccomendations in order for them to be printed on photo paper.

Last lesson we had to assemble the picture on the board which was quite hard caus they had to e perfectly in the middle and you description had to be in your best handwriting and stuff like that.

I felt that it was a sucess because all of the parents liked our work!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Cool texts

In this lesson we watched tutorials on how to make funky writing.I thought it was quite easy because the instructions was quite simple and easy to follow. The only step i thought was challenging when we had to use the bezier tool to cut out a piece of the writing for a gloss. I thought that it was so cool because i thought that the results were really good!!