Thursday, 27 May 2010

Spring arts festival !!

I missed a couple of lessons and when i returned mr muntwyler said we were preparing things for the spring arts festival so we had to edit our ten best pics and inkscapes vector that we did from the beggining of the course to the end. It was quite fun to relive all of the images (which was quite alot!!) and making them to fit the specific reccomendations in order for them to be printed on photo paper.

Last lesson we had to assemble the picture on the board which was quite hard caus they had to e perfectly in the middle and you description had to be in your best handwriting and stuff like that.

I felt that it was a sucess because all of the parents liked our work!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Cool texts

In this lesson we watched tutorials on how to make funky writing.I thought it was quite easy because the instructions was quite simple and easy to follow. The only step i thought was challenging when we had to use the bezier tool to cut out a piece of the writing for a gloss. I thought that it was so cool because i thought that the results were really good!!

Thursday, 22 April 2010


In this lesson we expanded our knowledge of using patterns. I selected a plain white car and i made a base color out of blues and reds. Then i made a pattern out of 4 aces, a skull and crossbones and a star and placed them on the side of the car.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Editing Pictures

We have learnt over the last 2 lessons how to change and edit peoples faces to make them look more beautiful whilt still making them look human. We were using the editing tool were we copied a piece of skin and pasting it to wrinkles and un desirable feautures. We had to be careful because We had to take pieces of skin near the part we wanted to take out because if we didnt the skin shading would look really odd. I tried to edit sylvester stylone . I think it was a good first atempt because i got rid of most of the wrinkles. I thought it was really fun1

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Capture the moment

This was a one lesson topic. We were told to go capture something which is only there for a small amount of time like jumping or throwing a ball in the air. So we went out and figured out that we had to use the focus button otherwise they would look all blurry. I thought it was much more challenging to take a photo which was only there for a second. After a shaky start we managed to get some good photos. My favorite picture is this one where Jerome was jumping off a rock trying to catch a ball, but he ended up missing so you could see the ball and he was looking at it but he couldnt catch it. I was a fun lesson!!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Today's repeating pattern

This is picture using a pattern. You can see that the building has a pattern. This makes it look so intresting and it plays with your eyes.

The true worth of a man is not to be found in man himself, but in the colours and textures that come alive in others.

This a picture with texture because you can see the wrinkle on the persons hand and you can tell what texture it will have just by looking at it.........

Flower Depth of Field

Flower Depth of Field
Originally uploaded by br0nc080
This shot show the depth of field. It doesnt concentrate on one particular flower but most of them even the ones which are in the background which gives them depth.

boat on a beach rule of thirds

This a photo that uses the rule of thirds. It is effective because it makes the picture look intresting rather than dull in the center.

ali ben youssef medersa, marrakesh

This is a symettrical photo. It looks good because it is identical.

Key West

Key West
Originally uploaded by Rob Cherry
This is a Photo which uses lines , the wood planks provide that effect. The photographer has squared.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Finally today was the day we got to use the digital camera with our aim to take loads of good photos using perspective and the light etc etc. Before we snapped some shots we learnt how to use the focus button to focus a particular object than moving the camera to a different location but the image you focused still is focused. I went out with little to none experience on taking digital pics but I felt I took some half decent photos. Some of the pictures were effective but some of them were a complete failure. The moving shots were harder because it was hard to focus on the moving object. Up top is an example of me trying to do a moving shot.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Using the bezier tool

In the last couple of lessons we are practising our skills and techniques with the bezier tool. We started by tracing around hearts and other things and i advanced quickly then we were given a bunch of different animals and we were told to trace around them to make them identical to the originals, as you can see below I chose a shark. I felt that the mouth was the hardest part because i had to make it in 2 different pieces . After i had sucessfully completed the shark i made a background complete with the Titanic with loads of portholes it was quite challenging to make it .
The icebergs were using the bezier tool to make a pretty much random shape.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Path Objects

For the last week we have been learning how to path objects by using different paths. We learnt 6 different types of paths: Union, difference, intersection,exclusion and cut path. Each one is used for a particular purpose,here is an example of how these are applied on inkscape (above). Then we used our new found knowledge of these paths by a set of challenges set by our teacher. Our next challenge was to create animal faces being very precise. This meant we had to use duplicate, align and distribute and using the shift button to make sure our objects were perfect. I made a panda and a Elephant.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Section 2

In this section we are layering more and more things and making more and more better shapes. We got a loads of links to directions of different things. First I chose to make a penguin in Inskape. We used the f5 button to use the eclipse tool to help make the penguin.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Cartoon head

For this section we got a post of youtube which was how to make a cartoon head on Inkscape.. In watching this video we leart how to use the Bezier tool which helped us use freehand lines or shapes and we leart how to insert more nodes and how to do gradients. The face above is the first one I made using the help then I tried doing one on my own but is is still a Work in Progress.

Hearts and layering!!!

In my last post the picture was of 3 boring hearts. But from those 2-D images we used our knowledge to make our new hearts more sophisticated and look way cooler! This hearat is actually 3 different hearts layered on top of each other. The first layer was the background which was a dark red. Then the second layer was red with an orange gradient and the 3rd layer was a white gradient which is used to make it look more 3-D. With each of the hearts you had to make each one a little smaller than the rest in order that you could see all the different layers

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Introduction to using Inkscape and making shapes

This my first blog of Digital Art '10 in ZIS. We are going to learn a whole heap of things. We have started by using basic images on Inscape. The first image I made was a dogbone and the next was a heart, which was quite tricky because we had to use nodes which are handles which help you make the shape you wanted and we had to . We made these hearts out of triangles and cirles but you could make them out of pretty much any shape you wanted. Here is the first hearts I made. we inserted colour into our shape. The biggest heart above I used a colour gradient so that I could so it looks much better. In the biggest heart it has loads of different colours which was quite tedious really. That is a summary of our first lessons in Digital Art